
Last updateΤρι, 11 Φεβ 2025 6am

News in English

Dubai Maritime City Authority launches the “Smart Marine Services” and the “Dubai Maritime Intelligence” platforms

dubai 05nDubai is being transformed into a “smart” city. The ‘’Smart Marine Services Platform’’ launched by Dubai Maritime City Authority is a major step towards the consolidation of a culture of maritime innovation and creativity, in line with its development vision.

Largest ever Posidonia exhibition highlights importance of Greek shipping for global economy

12079926 595373553933769 6694412808162756209 oPosidonia 2016, the world’s most prestigious shipping event, was inaugurated this evening by the Prime Minister of Greece Mr Alexis Tsipras and attended by heads of states, European Union officials, Greek cabinet members, foreign maritime ministers, board members of the Union of Greek Shipowners, chairmen of international organisations as well as some 1.500 exhibitors and delegates from around the world.

Posidonia sets size record as global maritime community sets sail for Greece

posidonia 2016 logo 1The organisers of Posidonia, the world’s most prestigious maritime exhibition, have confirmed a 15 percent growth in size for this year’s event, as the committed total of over 40.000 square metres of exhibition floor space together with a record 40 conferences and new sporting events make the 2016 edition the biggest in the event’s almost 50 year-long history.

Cosco Group (Hong Kong) Limited is nominated Preferred Investor for the acquisition of the 67% share capital of PPA SA.

cosco pireas 0042During its session today, the Board of Directors of HRADF unanimously declared Cosco Hong Kong) Group Limited as the Preferred Investor for the acquisition of the 67% of the shares of Piraeus Port Authority SA., in accordance with the terms of the tender process, having considered all the required documents on time submitted by Cosco.

ICS Annual Professional Maritime Programme – ICS Membership Registration Period Extended

HMC ICS LOGO CMYKThe Hellenic Management Centre, official educational provider of ICS in Greece and committed to the provision of continuous improvement within the shipping industry, offers the Annual Professional Maritime Programme that prepares students for the ICS Professional Qualifying Examinations, leading to ICS Membership.

Cruise industry delivers new boost to European economic recovery

krouazieroploio 645Europe's cruise industry has delivered a record boost to Europe's economic recovery, but CLIA Chairman Pierfranceso Vago has warned that future growth requires action to unlock potential.

Queen Mary University Offers in Greece new LL.M. in international shipping law

HMC QMUL logo 1The Hellenic Management centre is proud to announce a prestigious collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, offering: The LLM in International Shipping Law (Piraeus, Greece), a new programme based on the successful London-based LLM in International Shipping Law.

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