
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

Updated War Risks Clauses out now


The 2013 editions of CONWARTIME and VOYWAR have been published and are available to download free of charge from the BIMCO website along with explanatory notes. BIMCO recommends that if you are using charter parties containing the 1993 or 2004 editions of CONWARTIME or VOYWAR, you replace these clauses with the new 2013 edition. The latest versions have been developed in response to views recently expressed by the Courts (notably the case of the Triton Lark) as well as changes in specialist cover provided by insurers. BIMCO will incorporate the 2013 editions in all new and revised standard contracts.

For a more detailed description of the changes to these two important clauses please see Special Circular No.5, dated 16 July 2013.

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