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Greek Technical Committee of DNV GL meets in Athens

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The Annual Greek Technical Committee of DNV GL attended by its members, gathered in the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel, in Athens. Chairman’s opening address

The acting Chairman, Sokratis Dimakopoulos, made an introduction describing the current regulatory environment with new and significant requirements coming into effect, like BWM, MRV, sulphur cap, TMSA 3, etc. which in connection with the poor market situation results in a very demanding and challenging operating environment. He further pointed out that the Committee meetings assist the members in being better informed, sharing experience and knowledge, providing feedback to the Organization of DNV GL and finally help each other to overcome these challenges in a successful and effective manner.

Organizational & operational changes of the Committee

The Permanent Secretary of the Committee, Loizos Isaias, gave a brief description of the changes to the Committee, including strategy, operational & organizational changes, more active involvement of the members of the Committee, etc. The formation of 3 Working Groups was noted (New legislation and requirements, Newbuildings and new technology, Operations).

The proposed changes have been accepted by the Committee.

Greece – DNV GL’s 3rd home market

DNV GL’s Regional Manager, Ioannis Chiotopoulos, gave a brief introduction on DNV GL’s initiative to upgrade Greece to the company’s 3rd home market (after Norway and Germany). Actions include the establishment of a global network of Greek speaking surveyors to serve the Greek ships, the establishment in Greece of a DATE Unit (Direct Access to Technical Experts) being a fast response service Centre to our customers, the commercialization of our local R&D results to the benefit of our customers, the appointment of a Chief Surveyor in Greece, the general increased of authority to the DNV GL office in Piraeus, etc.

Market Outlook – overview on market drivers and status, segment specific topics and outlook

DNV GL’s Marketing and Business Development Director, Jan Kvålsvold, gave an overview of the market situation looking also into some historic data as well. The following main issues were addressed: historic market developments and market indicators, market cyclical development, low newbuilding activity and poor order-book, scrapping, oil production cuts, China’s initiative for “One Belt One Road”, etc.

Regulatory Environmental Update – consequences

DNV GL’s Technical Director, Geir Dugstad, gave an overview of the environmental regulatory agenda focusing on the consequences of the new requirements. The requirements up to 2030 were covered by the presentation, including SOx, NOx, California requirements, ship recycling, BWM, MRV, EEDI, etc. Briefly were also discussed regulations on the horizon like hull bio-fouling, particulate matter, underwater noise, etc.

Sulphur cap 2020 – consequences, way forward

The Vice Chairman of the Committee (and acting Chairman for this meeting), Sokratis Dimakopoulos, presented the sulphur cap consequences and challenges expected to come in place in 2020. The presentation covered the IMO MEPC 70 decision, options for compliance, techno-economic analysis of the different options, etc. Particular focus was given to the uncertainties on the availability of compliant fuels, the scrubbers’ solution, the estimated price difference between distillates and high sulphur fuel oil in 2020, etc.

Live voting by the participants took place at the end of the session. The following results are noted:

Low sulphur HFO is considered to be best solution for existing vessels (62%)
Best solution for newbuildings came the LNG as fuel (43%), with second the HFO with scrubbers (33%) and third low sulphur HFO (23%)
57% of the participants do not believe that scrubbers makers and yards will have sufficient capacity to handle scrubber installations, versus 31% who believe that they will manage
The majority of the participants believe that the availability of 0.5% S fuels will be sufficient to cover the needs of the industry (74%)
On the question as to whether the price differential of 0.5% S fuels as compared to HFO will make the scrubber option a cost-effective one, there was no clear conclusion
On the question whether the different companies have already commenced the techno-economical assessment of the available options, the result was divided (58% yes, 42% no)

BWM – technical problems, alternatives, frequent plan approval comments

The Vice Chairman of the Committee, Vasileios Lampropoulos, gave an overview of the so far experiences with the installation of BW treatment systems and the problems we are facing. The presentation covered the different technologies including a comparison between them, selection criteria, challenges of the different technologies, service experience, health and safety issues, maintenance, challenges for the crew and shore staff, approval and operation comments, etc.

Live voting by the participants took place at the end of the session. The following results are noted:

Filter + electrolysis and filter + UV are believed to be the most popular systems (48% and 45% respectively)
The vast majority of the participants believe that the international organizations and regulators should recognize the need for more time until the implementation of the BWM convention (80%)
The majority of the participants believe that the BWM convention will force significant number of vessels of all types above 15 years to go for scrap (77%)
The participants believe that significant number of owners will go for advanced renewal surveys to delay the installation of BWT systems as per IMO requirements
The clear majority of the participants do not believe that the no. of installed BWT systems, their so far utilization and the competence of the crews are giving confidence in the safe and effective use of the systems (75%)
55% of the participants do not believe that the “Trump” parameter will affect the enforcement of environmental regulations in general and the USCG req. for BWM in particular

Drones in use for fleet in service surveys

Based on a question raised by a member of the Committee before the meeting, DNV GL’s Technical Director, Geir Dugstad, showed a video with a close up survey carried out on-board an OBO vessel using drones. The benefits of the survey method were explained and highlighted.

Chairman’s closing address

During the presentations, various discussions took place between all participants. The meeting came to a close, with remarks of the acting Chairman, Mr Socratis Dimakopoulos who expressed his overall satisfaction on the presented material and the discussions that took place.

The meeting was very satisfactory and followed by a cocktail reception.

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