
Last updateΠαρ, 14 Μαρ 2025 12pm

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Sino - Hellenic Maritime Seminar at Posidonia 2014 organized by the CCS


The China Classification Society - "CCS" organizes for the first time the Sino- Hellenic Maritime Seminar within the Posidonia exhibition.

The seminar will be held on Thursday, June 5th at the Metropolitan Export at 16.00-19.00. For the first time representatives of the largest Chinese banks involved in the shipping financing of the Greek and global market as well as representatives of China's shipbuilding industry will present the opportunities provided to strengthen their presence in the Greek Shipping market. Minister of Shipping Mr. Miltiadis Varvitsiotis and the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Athens, Mr. Zou Xiaoli will open the seminar while the President of CCS Mr. Sun Licheng will address a welcoming speech. Executives of the Shipping Community have been invited to attend while the presentations by prominent members of the CCS on the Latest Development and Service Package fromCCS will be of substantial interest.
CCS operates officially in Greece since 1999 and has played a major role in the development of maritime relations between the two countries, while many Greek-owned vessels of all types are classed by the CCS.

Presentations will be made by leaders of maritime divisions of the banks, China Development Bank and The Export Import Bank as well as Minsheng Financial Leasing, Bank of Communication Financial Leasing and CMB Financial Leasing. The developments of new vessels' designs in the Chinese shipyards will be presented by the executives of the companies, Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute, China Ship Design & Research Center and Shanghai Bestway Marine Engineering Design. All these above mentioned companies are strategic cooperation partners of CCS and also are the sponsors of the event along with XRTC Business Consultants. The event will be coordinated by the Director of CCS Greece Mr. Zhou Haisheng and the CEO of XRTC , Mr. George Xiradakis,.
Media sponsors of the Sino Hellenic Seminar are Lloyds' List, The SeaNation and www.maritimes.gr.

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