
Last updateΤρι, 04 Μαρ 2025 6am

News in English

PPA S.A.: Piraeus among the top 10 global ports in 2022 shipping index


Τhe Port of Piraeus ranked 9th internationally on the Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping Centre Development (ISCD) Index.

The ISCD Index provides an annual independent ranking of the performance of the world’s largest cities that offer port and shipping business services based on three primary dimensions -port infrastructure, shipping services and general environment- and 16 secondary indicators to evaluate the comprehensive performance of 43 cities worldwide.
More specifically, the international index is based on a combination of metrics, including port factors such as cargo throughput, draught and container berth length; business factors including the number of professional maritime service providers such as lawyers, financiers and shipbrokers; as well as assessments of the general business environment including customs tariffs and logistics performance.
PPA S.A. Chairman, Mr. Yu Zenggang said “We are very proud that the Port of Piraeus is included for the third time in the row in this significant global shipping index, which provides an objective and impartial measure of the level of development and state of international shipping centers. A position among the top 10 in the world signalizes once again that the investments of the last years, alongside the implementation of a great number of projects based on a comprehensive plan for the port upgrade and modernization could successfully increase the port’s global competitiveness through the provisioning of a unique integration of services.
PPA management and people are committed to continue with the same dedication and high sense of responsibility the dynamic sustainable growth path of the Port of Piraeus.”
It is worth mentioning that on July 11th, in line with the report release ceremony in Shanghai, an online seminar was held with worldwide participance. Li Jin, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with Piraeus Port Authority S.A. and Ilias Salpeas, Managing Director of the Development Organisation of the Municipality of Piraeus, shared their insights on global shipping industry development during the seminar.

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