
Last updateΠαρ, 14 Μαρ 2025 12pm

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Weekly Drycargo Shipping Technical Anaysis - Weekly Closing/Fixing (Thursday). 902

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Fortesque (FMG) Aussie the nr4 in the world iron ore producer, has signed a contract to construct four VLOC of 260,000 mts dwt each with Chinese shipyard, worth totally usd 275 million. Their total capacity represents 6 pct of miner's exports per annum. We are in position to know that also Rio Tinto and BHP also negod similar kind of newbuildings with Chinese shipyards, with equity participation of Chinese Govermental Financial Institutions.

Their special design make them more suited to Port Hedland's tidal conditions and hence, much more competitive than usual smaller Capesize tonnages. WHEREAS, all Australian miners in 5/7 years time from now, hv a plan to load around 40 pct of their exported Iron Ore to China with their own vessels. In addition according to Drewry, Chinese are in serious discussions with VALE Brazil to solve huge Valemaxes (400,000 dwt) problem, who are banned from Chinese ports and eventually establish a partnership with them. //(So those Owners who are full of masochistic tendencies, go go go and order more Capesize newbuildings and dont forget same to be placed in Chinese Shipyards, Jesus).

Interest for newbuilding orders remains strong this week too, and the only we can say that the best medicine for schizos is called 'Zyprexa'. // TECHNICALLY, You may see now how things could be changed rapidly Pals. Index made a nice rebound today (up 35) due to Capesizes, (other size/type of tonnages look like a Greek tragedy indeed). MOST IMPORTANT: Eventually we DONT have a downward breakout of our 2nd circle/cycle line (blue one) as same automatically removed to around 850 level. T4 MAJOR SUPPORT moved 50 points/pips lower which is good for time being.

ROC52 Indicator (the one above the main chart, and very important one), although now is below zero (0), is not so distant from it. Pending weekly closing tmrw today's price action giving us a deep breath. HENCE, low seen so far at 867 could be the end of of 6/7 months intermediate cycle. Penetration of the last mentioned figure would drive Index to around 640 level which is the mother of all supports and the last defence. Below there we are in ''an uncharted territory'', signalling VESSELS' LAY-UP CONDITION, for years to come, but expect around there Index to stall, (if seen), at least at first approach, and subject market's momentum. (All time low at 588 during1986 cannot be taken seriously since Index introduced just in1985). Last but no least, would remind you what we were saying during 2nd half of 2013, ie the Index was behaving exactly like 1981, when we had a mini-boom, (BDI was not established during that time yet but we hv all the appropriate data).

Such a situ disoriented most shipping investors, and next year we had a total collapse of the market, and as a result tonnages laid up for around 6 years. PRAY history not to repeat itself. Regarding Global Stock Exchanges, there is not even a slightest sign so far to change their north direction and thats positive so far too. Try to relax, enjoy World Football Cup, keeping in mind that whatever is going to happen will happen, and we can do nothing abt it, ANYMORE. The price you pay for fatal mistakes is always an extraordinary one. Hv all a nice weekend.

PS: Some of you are asking why we dont keep our ''technical analysis'' more than 2 weeks in our wall. Well, we spent years for establishing a real unique and patented system based on Japanese techniques model. Some good friends like Maro Banakou and Markos Monios who have been taught by the writer know that very well, and if we keep all the past data ''forever'' then our competitors could try to copy those techniques and ofc we are not prepared to allow it. Our system shows quite few things of our expertise in BDI Chart. Most of them are applied to Forex/Stock Exchanges/Commodities etc where volatility is much higher than BDI Index and our model's output exceeded this year 93 pct success as per our statistics. T4 kindly ustand accordingly.


Stelios Lazaris, md Maritime Investments A.G. Zurich

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