
Last updateΣαβ, 15 Φεβ 2025 3pm

News in English

PPA S.A.: Two new prestigious awards for the Company True Leader and ESG Leading Company of the Year

0ΛιμΠειρ1 SmallPiraeus Port Authority S.A. has received two new prestigious awards, being named both True Leader and ESG Leading Company of the Year.

Predictions and Brief report for next week for handy and ultramax sizes 20th December 2024

bulk ships 000Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis
TMC Commercial Director 
Handysize Market Overview
•  US Gulf / US East Coast (USG/USEC): The market saw robust activity as many participants aimed to secure their positions, supported by a healthy cargo flow that drove rates higher.

Decline in the Dry bulk cargo market continues

Bulk carrier 1Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis
Commercial Director TMC MARITIME CO.

Dr. Fotios-Evangelos Karlis
Maritime Executive and Consultant

The dry bulk cargo market continued its downward trend last week with Capes once again recording double-digit weekly declines and single-digit losses for smaller sizes.

Brief report and predictions for next week for handy and ultramax sizes 20th December 2024

0bulker loading coalIakovos (Jack) Archontakis
TMC Commercial Director 
Handysize Market Overview
•  US Gulf / US East Coast (USG/USEC): The market saw robust activity as many participants aimed to secure their positions, supported by a healthy cargo flow that drove rates higher.

The decline in the dry bulk cargo market continues

0bulk carrierIakovos (Jack) Archontakis
Commercial Director TMC MARITIME CO.

Dr. Fotios-Evangelos Karlis
Maritime Executive and Consultant

The dry bulk cargo market continued its downward trend last week with Capes once again recording double-digit weekly declines and single-digit losses for smaller sizes.

ICS Summit kicks off Hong Kong Maritime Week with a bang

0HK PR 768x425The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), in collaboration with the Transport and Logistics Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board, convened nearly 300 delegates from 28 countries, including ministers and senior policymakers from 12 nations, the European Commission and international organisations, with CEOs of companies from the maritime value chain, today at the Hong Kong Global Trade Summit.

PPA S.A.: The company’s annual corporate social responsibility program culminates with impactful initiatives ahead of Christmas

0OLP490 SmallWith Christmas and the New Year approaching, PPA S.A. successfully concluded its comprehensive annual social contribution program, delivering impactful initiatives to strengthen and support local communities, neighboring municipalities, children and the company’s employees.

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